Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Second Chance Haiku

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
Season 1 Episode 55:
Second Chance

Haiku the first:

It's soccer try outs
Roger didn't make the cut
He needs second chance!

Haiku the second:

Someone tell me this
How's Ernie the soccer coach?
He ain't so sporty

Haiku the third:

Time for some hijinxs
Bulk and Skull in detention
They are naughty boys

Haiku the fourth:

Green's watch on the fritz
Appleby takes it's away
No way to reach him!

Haiku the fifth:

Tommy is in class
But Zack and Jason are not
That hardly seems fair

Haiku the sixth:

Monster not charged yet
Putties to wear down Rangers?
Heard that one before

Haiku the seventh:

Roger is rubbish
He ain't exactly pele
Or Emile Heskey

Haiku the eighth:

Putties play soccer
Socadillo is the ball
Better than Roger

Haiku the ninth:

Bad at everything
Bad at soccer and acting
Yes I mean Roger

Haiku the tenth:

The armadillo
British advert reference
Not quite a dime bar

Haiku the eleventh:

Play a little ball
It's a soccer based battle
The beautiful game

Haiku the twelfth:

This battle needs Green
This is a job for all six
Here comes the green one!

Haiku the thirteenth:

Next came forth the zords
And they battled a giant
And they won again

Haiku the fourteenth:

Roger made the team
Not sure Ernie's qualified
Go back to slurpies

Haiku the fifteenth:

Roger is so shit
Ernie created new team

Just to shut him up

Monday, 19 August 2013

Trick or Treat Haiku

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
Season 1 Episode 54:
Trick or Treat

Haiku the first:

Kim is centre stage
My heart is beating faster
A thing they call love

Haiku the second:

Trick or Treat game show
Popular in the US
Not made up at all

Haiku the third:

The car is the prize
Kimberley must defeat Skull
Go Kimberly go!

Haiku the fourth:

Rita is inspired
Send down the pumpkin rapper
Oh dear god please no

Haiku the fifth:

Rapping ain't valid
Especially from veggies
You can't call this art!

Haiku the sixth:

Pumpkin points required
The winner will have the most
This show is stupid

Haiku the seventh:

Something is rotten
Tommy finds rotting pumpkins
No I don't mean boobs

Haiku the eighth:

Send in the putties
Those poor defeat-able sods
They are life's losers

Haiku the ninth:

Kim is doing well
Skull is a poor opponent
Kim has to win this!

Haiku the tenth:

Rita is jealous
She clearly wants a car
Better than her back

Haiku the eleventh:

She's up to old tricks
Same old shit different day
Change it up Rita!

Haiku the twelfth:

Skull and the spider
The spider wins the show down
Skull gets gunged again

Haiku the thirteenth:

Make excuses Bill
A cardiac infraction?
That's a heart attack!

Haiku the fourteenth:

Skull wins by default
Kim must leave to save the day
It's the Ranger way

Haiku the fifteenth:

His rhymes aren't clever!
I'm a better poet man
And we all know it!

Haiku the sixteenth:

Pumpkins on their heads
You look right foolish you do
Take them off at once

Haiku the seventeenth:

Let's make pumpkin pie
Destroy those evil pumpkins
Before it's too late

Haiku the eighteenth:

Shut your mouth pumpkin
This ain't no rap battle son
Don't drop your rhymes here

Haiku the nineteenth:

A whopper pumpkin!
Destroy it with a bad rap
But that didn't work!

Haiku the twentieth:

Please stop the rapping
You're worse than Vanilla Ice
MC Hammer too

Haiku the twenty first:

Don't rhyme patch with catch
Try and challenge yourself man
That's just plain lazy

Haiku the twenty second:

Tommy has to leave
They actually need him now
I bet he's so pleased

Haiku the twenty third:

Run fast? Feel the blast?
Who writes this shit? Tell me that
A complete moron!

Haiku the twenty fourth:

This rapper got binned
No more dreadful rhyming now
I'm the winner now

Haiku the twenty fifth:

Skull has won the car
It's easy come easy go
Now the car is gone

Haiku the twenty sixth:

Today's moral is
You win some and you lose some

And we lost this one

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Fowl Play Haiku

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
Season 1 Episode 53:
Fowl Play

Haiku the first:
Juggling ain't magic
But making Bulk look dumb is
Zack the magician!

Haiku the second:

Angela returns
She's impressed by Zack's magic
She seems nicer now

Haiku the third:

Putty in her hands!
Damn it Jason you jinxed it!
Real putties arrive!

Haiku the fourth:

Peckster destroys town
Zack needs to leave youth centre
Bulk based distraction

Haiku the fifth:

Disappearing trick
You've used that one before
Bulk can't be that dumb

Haiku the sixth:

A Zack episode
He's the main focus today
A Black Ranger tale

Haiku the seventh:

Summon power axe
Swing it like a baseball bat
Ruffle his feathers

Haiku the eighth:

Back to youth centre
Don't arouse suspicion
Arouse Angela

Haiku the ninth:

Tommy is conserved
Only used when things are dire
Don't need Green just yet

Haiku the tenth:

The Bulk Man is yours
But Angela rebuffs him
She has eyes for Zack

Haiku the eleventh:

The spell is broken
Zack has returned to the kids
Thrilled by his return

Haiku the twelfth:

Zack needs to leave?
Pretend to have a big piss
That's believable!

Haiku the thirteenth:

Sparks fly once again
Rangering is dangerous
You might get blown up

Haiku the fourteenth:

Time to stuff this bird
You're the bird I'm the stuffing
A Thanks Giving treat

Haiku the fifteenth:

Toxic tornado
No it ain't a super fart
Peckster's special move

Haiku the sixteenth:

Zack has got a plan
Use the Cranial Laser!
It's bye bye birdie

Haiku the seventeenth:

No Tommy today
I miss his smile and his hair
And his grunting noise

Haiku the eighteenth:

Zack is looking sharp
Off for a night on the town
He's looking to score

Haiku the nineteenth:

Bad luck for poor Zack
The kids are coming with you

Enjoy the cartoons!

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Two Heads Are Better Than One Haiku

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Going Viral Haiku

Power Rangers Megaforce

Episode 3: Going Viral

Haiku the first:

Jake has the snake axe
He needs Noah to fix it
Shouldn't be in school!

Haiku the second:

No need for armies
Send down the monster Virox
And spread his virus!

Haiku the third:

Blue is not so strong
He can't lift Black Ranger's axe
Noah doubts himself

Haiku the fourth:

Train to be like Jake
Noah is slightly nerdy
But wants to be strong

Haiku the fifth:

Not about muscles
You must believe in yourself
You can do it all!

Haiku the sixth:

Human to Loogie
A most unfortunate change
You must change them back!

Haiku the seventh:

Go go Megaforce!
Use the Gosei Morpher now!
Battle with the cards

Haiku the eighth:

Battle the Loogies
But remember they're human!
Use your brain power!

Haiku the ninth:

Slimy monster blasts
He is spreading his virus
He must be stopped now!

Haiku the tenth:

Noah and Jake fight
Beat this monster black and blue
A double meaning

Haiku the eleventh:

White panted Ranger
It's not an ideal colour
Grass stains and the like

Haiku the twelfth:

Quarantine monster
Stop the spread of the virus
Be the cure for it

Haiku the thirteenth:

Tire out the Loogies
You must chase them in circles
Herd them together

Haiku the fourteenth:

Noah finds some strength
Used his brain to find weakness
Still not strong enough!

Haiku the fifteenth:

Believe in yourself
Believe you can lift that axe
Power of the mind!

Haiku the sixteenth:

A true blue hero
Need self belief to succeed
Noah saves the day!

Haiku the seventeenth:

Combine the weapons
We need Megaforce blaster!
A dynamic charge

Haiku the eighteenth:

Noah masters axe
Body as strong as his mind
Better believe it!

Haiku the nineteenth:

It's all down to Jake
Taught Blue Ranger to believe
That's what friends are for

Haiku the twentieth:

Mechazord battle
Or is it Mega who knows?
Zords are confusing

Haiku the twenty first:

Flogging a dead horse
Banging on about belief
Okay we get it!

Haiku the twenty second:

You've unlocked new zords!
Thank the lord for super cards
Battle well robots!

Haiku the twenty third:

Blue Ranger learns this
It is mind over matter
Never surrender

Friday, 16 August 2013

Grumble Bee Haiku

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
Season 1 Episode 51:
Grumble Bee

Haiku the first:

A “B” on your test?
Just what's going on Billy?
Your grades are slipping!

Haiku the second:

His brain has failed him
Throw him on the scrap heap now
We need him no more

Haiku the third:

Bulk has “B” based puns
A wicked sense of humour
A sharp tongued bully

Haiku the fourth:

You'll never guess what
Rita wants a bee monster
Quite the logic leap

Haiku the fifth:

Billy blew a bee
I mean a bee based question
Don't mean literally

Haiku the sixth:

There's no shame in “B”s
Its' the best the rest can get
That's insensitive

Haiku the seventh:

Send down the putties
Team them with Goldar
Always works so well

Haiku the eighth:

Trapped by magic rope
A force field that holds them still
Can they escape this?

Haiku the ninth:

Contact the others
It's down to blue and yellow
Must depend on them

Haiku the tenth:

Enter grumble bee
He has poisonous venom
A sting in his tail

Haiku the eleventh:

Grumble bee rumble
Battle is a nasty sting
Make this bee buzz off!

Haiku the twelfth:

Secret bee powers
Enough to stump the Rangers
Must find his weakness

Haiku the thirteenth:

Magic rope is tough
How can they free the others?
Leave them there for now

Haiku the fourteenth:

Black and yellow stripes
A deadly poison venom
Beware buzzy bee!

Haiku the fifteenth:

Alpha saves Rangers
Now the team can reunite
Time to swot this bee

Haiku the sixteenth:

The Rangers will win
Use the power to succeed
No one can stop them

Haiku the seventeenth:

Billy's got a gun
Cover that bee in your foam
Very messy end

Haiku the eighteenth:

A bloody big bee
This calls for a Megazord
Know the score by now

Haiku the nineteenth:

Where's Green Ranger been?
Tommy Oliver's day off?
What's he been doing?

Haiku the twentieth:

At karate match
Fighting ninja warriors
That's your excuse man?

Haiku the twenty first:

Help Bulk and Skull
Or tutor them when they fail

Easy decision

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Return of an Old Friend Part 2 Haiku

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
Season 1 Episode 50:
Return of an Old Friend Part 2

Haiku the first:

Tommy has returned
In the opening credits
We're back in business

Haiku the second:

Old Green suit is back
Back in the command centre
Power coin returned

Haiku the third:

A power transfer
Zordon fills Tommy with Juice
I mean with power

Haiku the fourth:

A deadly gamble
This can go wrong easily
Lives are at stake now

Haiku the fifth:

Save the power coins
Reclaim the Dragon Dagger
And defeat Goldar

Haiku the sixth:

Tommy fights alone
He has little power now
A brave warrior

Haiku the seventh:

Tommy plays his flute
Tune's never sounded sweeter
Dragonzord is saved!

Haiku the eighth:

Play Green Ranger's theme
Perfect music for battle
Battle commences

Haiku the ninth:

Oh no Zordon gone!
Is old big head lost forever?
Come back to use dude

Haiku the tenth:

Power coins retrieved
But at what cost do they come?
Tommy in danger

Haiku the eleventh:

Combine the powers
Enough to bring back Zordon
The power protects

Haiku the twelfth:

Defeat the monster
The way to save the parents
Don't let him trick you

Haiku the thirteenth:

Tommy is floating
What the fudge is going on?
His body is charged!

Haiku the fourteenth:

Tommy powered up
A hero restored once more
Green is the colour

Haiku the fifteenth:

Five are six again
Summon the zords once again
Combine to win this

Haiku the sixteenth:

Megazord is down
Dragonzord must fight alone
Tail of destruction

Haiku the seventeenth:

United again
Mega Dragonzord power
Form the Ultrazord!

Haiku the eighteenth:

The parents are saved
And Tommy has his powers
It's been a good day

Haiku the nineteenth:

Divorce won't kill love
So don't be down Kimberly
Mum and dad love you

Haiku the twentieth:

Food fighting parents
There goes Caplan's wig again
Ernie will be pissed

Haiku the twenty first:

You know what they say
Only as old as you feel
Tell that to Ernie

Haiku the twenty second:

There's a mystery
Just where are Tommy's parent?

Do they not love him?