Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
Season 1 Episode 43:
Something Fishy
Haiku the first:
Scuba diving time
But not for Kim and Billy
A picnic for them
Haiku the second:
Bulk and Skull have plans
They have got their rods ready
They're going fishing
Haiku the third:
Jason's latest skill
Scuba diving instructor
Jack of many trades
Haiku the fourth:
Billy fears the fish
Tuna can give him nightmares
Bet he don't like Jaws
Haiku the fifth:
Fish and chips for lunch!
Billy can't handle the fish!
What a dilemma
Haiku the sixth:
Bad experience
Young Billy bitten by a fish
But don't laugh at him
Haiku the seventh:
Bulk has caught something
HA! It's a no fishing sign
Is that irony?
Haiku the eighth:
Billy's dungarees
The very height of fashion
Well in the nineties
Haiku the ninth:
Lessons paying off
Billy's fighting has improved
He now holds his own
Haiku the tenth:
Battle the Goo Fish
But Billy is scared of fish!
Oh the irony
Haiku the eleventh:
Billy's fear unbound
Crippled by what scares him most
Now face what you dread
Haiku the twelfth:
Billy the weak link
Conquer your fear Blue Ranger
The others need you
Haiku the thirteenth:
Rangers hit sparks fly
Health and safety out window
You must wear goggles!
Haiku the fourteenth:
Fear is over come
And Billy is triumphant
This lesson is learned
Haiku the fifteenth:
Fish gets super sized
He could feed the five thousand
Let's fillet this fish
Haiku the sixteenth:
Pride in fear conquered
Who needs professional help
When you have Goo Fish?
Haiku the seventeenth:
Bulk tells porky pies
He didn't catch that tinned fish
Lobster bite Karma
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